Jessica W. Y. Chan

2008 (Hong Kong)
2018 (New Zealand)
Professional Qualifications
CEDR Accredited Mediator (2012)
Secretary: Ms. Kathy Chu
[email protected]
Jessica is a civil and criminal practitioner with a keen interest in administrative law. Jessica is experienced in conducting Chinese and English trials for the Prosecution and Defence in the criminal court, and also attends legal visits and conducts bail applications and mitigation regularly. In 2018, Jessica has been appointed as Deputy Magistrate. Since then, and from time to time, she continues to sit periodically at different Magistrates’ Court.
Interested in issues of social concerns, Jessica has written publications concerning exploitation of elders by financial institutions and the recent advancement in the rule of law in relation to foreign investment in China.
- M.A. (Sociology), Chinese University of Hong Kong (2016)
- P.C.LL., University of Hong Kong (2007)
- LL.B., University of Hong Kong (2006)
- “Master of Arts Programme in Sociology Scholarship in 2015/16”, Chinese University of Hong Kong (2016)
- “The IBA 2nd Asia Pacific Regional Forum Conference Scholarship”, International Bar Association (2010)
- Member, Professional Committee of the HK Federation of Fujian Associations
- Deputy Magistrates (fixed term basis)
- Chan J. W. Y. “How recent improvements in the Rule of Law in developing markets of China benefitted foreign investors in that market?” (Awarded the IBA 2nd Asia Pacific Regional Forum Conference Scholarship by the International Bar Association, October 2010).
- Chan J. W. Y. “Exploitation of the Elderly by Financial Institutions: A Call for Legislation against Elder Abuse in Hong Kong”. (2007) 1 Hong Kong Journal of Legal Studies 147.
- 陳頴賢. “一國二制的實際成效與挑戰”. Sing Pao Newspaper. 25 October 2005: F02.