梁寶琳 大律師

2000 (香港)
衡平法 / 信託
醫療疏忽 / 人身傷害
遺產 / 繼承
財產 / 土地
監管 / 紀律處分
秘書:Ms. Winnie Fung
[email protected]
- Shum Wing Lok v Shum Man (09/09/2022, HCA931/2017) [2022] HKCFI 2622 – the brother plaintiff failed in his claim against his elder sister for a loan he alleged to have been made to the defendant upon the request of his deceased father
- 香港特別行政區 訴 劉智峰 (18/08/2023, CACC50/2022) [2023] HKCA 975 – an application to Court of Appeal for leave to appeal against conviction for the offence of riot
- 香港特別行政區 訴 余劍龍 (31/03/2022, HCMA423/2021) [2022] HKCFI 860 – an appeal against Conviction for indecent assault; Conviction was quashed for the trial magistrate’s failure to consider sufficiently the inherent improbability of a sole witness’s testimony
- HKSAR v Cheung Tze Hong (張子康) [2021] 5 HKLRD 248, [2021] HKCA 900 – reversal of plea of guilty when Defendant had been out in jury’s charge; evidential foundation for conviction
- World Light Ltd v Megasuper Market Ltd [2018] HKCFI 2864 – landlord’s claim against tenant for arrears of rent and damages for refusal to enter into possession
- Greens Nursery & Tree Planting Design Ltd v Secretary for Justice [2018] HKCFI 2558 – tenant’s claim against government as landlord for breach of warranty / representation and derogation from grant
- Tiger Resort Asia Ltd v Kazuo Okada & others [2018] HKCFI 2788 – resisted a renewed application for interim-interim injunction which was previously denied by the court
- Kwan and Tang [2018] HKFC 148 – resisted wife’s application to relocate children out of Hong Kong
- Cheung Kwong Yuen v Sun Hui Fang [2016] 1 HKLRD 464 – resisted an appeal in the Court of Appeal in an adverse possession claim brought in the Lands Tribunal
- Gigabillion Asia Pacific Ltd v. Sino Dynamic International Ltd [2015] 2 HKLRD 100 – an appeal in the Court of Appeal in relation to a conveyancing matter
- Chang Hyun Chi v Official Receiver & another [2015] 1 HKLRD 512 – appeared for the trustee in bankruptcy in an appeal brought by the bankrupt on the constitutionality of s.30A(1) of the Bankruptcy Ordinance
- Yuen Chung Sun v On Ascent Ltd [2016] 4 HKLRD 250 – personal injuries; employer’s liability to employees
- LPK v HSH [2012] 2 HKLRD 1031 – contempt of court; anti-suit injunction
- 曾來發 訴 新福港 (前名為孫福記營造有限公司) [2011] 4 HKLRD 336 – employees compensation; resisted an appeal to apply for compensation out of time
- Lee Fuk Hing v HKSAR (2004) 7 HKFCAR 600 – criminal evidence; right to silence