GG v LL Ltd [2025] 1 HKC 660, [2024] HKCFI 2302
Vincent Chen represented the respondent in GG v LL Ltd [2025] 1 HKC 660, [2024] HKCFI 2302. On 21 December 2022, a Loan Agreement was signed between the Lender, a company as borrower (‘Borrower’), and two individuals including the applicant as guarantors. The loan was …
黃偉成 v 交通銀行股份有限公司 [2025] 1 HKC 641, [2024] HKCFI 1902
Anthony Chan SC and Jeff Yau represented the claimant in 黃偉成 v 交通銀行股份有限公司 [2025] 1 HKC 641, [2024] HKCFI 1902. The claimant’s wife (‘W’) purchased from one company (‘Company’) a beauty package (‘Service Agreement’) the price of which was settled under a loan agreement called …
Wadhuram Kewalramani v Parmanand Kewalramani [2024] 6 HKC 372, [2024] HKCFI 2225
Sebastian Leung represented the plaintiff in Wadhuram Kewalramani v Parmanand Kewalramani [2024] 6 HKC 372, [2024] HKCFI 2225. The plaintiff applied for default judgment against the defendant seeking specific performance of an oral agreement. The application was adjourned sine die with liberty to restore when …
Secretary for Justice v Li Kwok-Wing (李國永) & Anor [2024] 6 HKC 250, [2024] HKCFI 2107
Albert NB Wong represented the 2nd defendant in Secretary for Justice v Li Kwok-Wing (李國永) & Anor [2024] 6 HKC 250, [2024] HKCFI 2107. The Secretary for Justice applied for the committal of the defendants (D1, D2) for criminal contempt consequent upon the events occurred …
AD v RT [2024] 5 HKLRD 224, [2024] HKCFI 2173
Madeleine Booth represented the respondent in AD v RT [2024] 5 HKLRD 224, [2024] HKCFI 2173. This was an application in ancillary relief proceedings by H, opposed by W, to cross-examine the single joint expert on his valuation of a number of companies which valuations …
Dadra Inc v Chan Choi Har Ivy [2024] 4 HKLRD 508, [2024] HKCA 773
Jeff Yau represented the defendant in Dadra Inc v Chan Choi Har Ivy [2024] 4 HKLRD 508, [2024] HKCA 773. D failed to satisfy a judgment debt in favour of P. On P's application, D was ordered to attend court for an oral examination pursuant …
WSSA v SYH (Application for Recusal) [2024] 4 HKLRD 325, [2024] HKCA 735
Robert Pang SC, Theresa Chow and Adrian Kwan represented the petitioner (respondent) in WSSA v SYH (Application for Recusal) [2024] 4 HKLRD 325, [2024] HKCA 735. H and W were married in 2007. They had two children, a son born in 2009 and a daughter …
LKYI v GJS (Personal representative of KO, deceased) (Financial provision claimed by de facto wife) [2024] 5 HKC 758, [2024] HKFC 145
Robert Pang SC and Eric Leung represented the applicant in LKYI v GJS (Personal representative of KO, deceased) (Financial provision claimed by de facto wife) [2024] 5 HKC 758, [2024] HKFC 145. The applicant was the de facto wife of the deceased. The deceased founded …
香港特別行政區 v 李雪菁 [2024] 6 HKC 884, [2024] HKDC 1238
Osmond Lam and Velda Yau represented the defendant in 香港特別行政區 v 李雪菁 [2024] 6 HKC 884, [2024] HKDC 1238. The defendant was prosecuted of one charge of fraud and allegations included that she was not ordinarily residing during the time period of the charge at …
HWH v OSS (Rescission of Decree Nisi: False Representations) [2024] 4 HKLRD 315, [2024] HKFC 149
Eugene Yim represented the 1st applicant in HWH v OSS (Rescission of Decree Nisi: False Representations) [2024] 4 HKLRD 315, [2024] HKFC 149. In 2019, H and W jointly applied for divorce on the ground that they had been separated from each other as of …