Acropolis Ltd v W&Q Investment Ltd [2024] 2 HKLRD 912, [2024] HKCFI 1065
Jeff Yau represented the petitioner and the 14th respondent in Acropolis Ltd v W&Q Investment Ltd [2024] 2 HKLRD 912, [2024] HKCFI 1065. P petitioned for the winding up of C. Upon P’s application, K and H were appointed as provisional liquidators (PLs) in respect …
Yum Siu Wah v Wong Chi Shing [2024] 2 HKLRD 1292, [2024] HKCA 327
Alice Mok SC and Ashok K. Sakhrani represented the defendant in Yum Siu Wah v Wong Chi Shing [2024] 2 HKLRD 1292, [2024] HKCA 327. In this appeal on quantum, P, a salesperson of “super cars” who suffered finger and neck injuries in a road …
HKSAR v Chow Hang Tung (鄒幸彤) & Ors [2024] 4 HKC 46, [2024] HKCFI 553
Philip Dykes SC, Albert NB Wong and Esmond Wong represented the appellants in HKSAR v Chow Hang Tung (鄒幸彤) & Ors [2024] 4 HKC 46, [2024] HKCFI 553. The appellants were office bearers of the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of …
HKSAR v Tam Tak Chi (譚得志) [2024] 2 HKLRD 565, [2024] HKCA 231
Philip Dykes SC, Jeffrey Tam and Ernie Tung represented the applicant in HKSAR v Tam Tak Chi (譚得志) [2024] 2 HKLRD 565, [2024] HKCA 231. D was charged, inter alia, with seven charges of uttering seditious words to the public contrary to s.10(1)(b) of the …
HKSAR v Lai Chee Ying (黎智英) (No 2) (2024) 27 HKCFAR 243, [2024] HKCFA 4
Robert Pang SC and Simon Kwok represented the 6th and 8th defendants (6th and 7th applicants) in HKSAR v Lai Chee Ying (黎智英) (No 2) (2024) 27 HKCFAR 243, [2024] HKCFA 4. Ds (D1-6 and D8 at trial) were convicted after trial in the District …
CB v Commissioner of Police [2024] 2 HKLRD 104, [2024] HKCA 172
Abraham Chan SC and Albert NB Wong represented the applicant (respondent) in CB v Commissioner of Police [2024] 2 HKLRD 104, [2024] HKCA 172. CB was a Philippine woman who was employed as a foreign domestic helper by Z. She alleged that during her employment, …
HKSAR v Chow Hang Tung [2024] 4 HKLRD 481, [2024] HKCFI 479
Robert Pang SC and Chung Luen Chris Ng represented the appellant in HKSAR v Chow Hang Tung [2024] 4 HKLRD 481, [2024] HKCFI 479. D was convicted after trial of inciting others to knowingly take part in an unauthorised assembly, contrary to the common law …
Acropolis Ltd v W&Q Investment Ltd & Ors [2024] 3 HKC 249, [2024] HKCFI 482
Jeff Yau represented the petitioner and the 14th respondent in Acropolis Ltd v W&Q Investment Ltd & Ors [2024] 3 HKC 249, [2024] HKCFI 482. The petitioner petitioned for the winding up of the Company on unfair prejudice and just and equitable grounds. Provisional liquidators …
Tang Pun Sang (鄧盤生) v Tang Kwok Shu (鄧國樹) [2024] 1 HKLRD 1226, [2024] HKCFI 359
Philip Dykes SC and Stephen LW Tang represented the applicant in Tang Pun Sang (鄧盤生) v Tang Kwok Shu (鄧國樹) [2024] 1 HKLRD 1226, [2024] HKCFI 359. X, an indigenous inhabitant of the New Territories, applied for judicial review to inter alia require the Director of Lands, the fifth putative respondent, to accept …
Re Tang Hoi Chun [2024] 3 HKC 222, [2024] HKDC 14
Hilda Wong represented the plaintiff in Re Tang Hoi Chun [2024] 3 HKC 222, [2024] HKDC 143 and successfully obtained an order for vacation of the registered charging orders. The plaintiff applied in the District Court to vacate the charging order nisi and charging order …