Robert Pang, SC

1988 (Hong Kong)
2012 Inner Bar (Hong Kong)
English, Cantonese, Mandarin
Areas of Practice
Criminal Law
Family & Matrimonial Law
Probate & Succession
Property & Land
Public Law & Judicial Review
Secretary: Ms. Tracy Wong
[email protected]
Robert Pang SC is deeply committed to the legal profession. He has been a former Vice-Chairman of the Hong Kong Bar Association and has been appointed to various judicial posts including Deputy High Court Judge, and Deputy Chairman of the Administrative Appeals Board. He is well experienced in arbitrations whether as counsel or arbitrator.
Robert is one of very few senior counsel who is equally at home conducting trials or appeals in the civil, criminal and family courts, and regularly appears in all levels of court including the Court of Final Appeal.
- P.C.LL., University of Hong Kong (1988)
- LL.B. (Hons.), University of Hong Kong (1987)
- CEDR Accredited Mediator (2007)
- Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators (2000)
- Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (2000)
Public Office
- Non-IA Eligible DP Member, Insurance Authority Disciplinary Panel Pool (present)
- Member, HKSAR Arbitration Ordinance Advisory Body Member (2018-2021)
- Chairman, Insurance Agents Registration Board (2017-2019)
- Deputy Chairman, Administrative Appeals Board (2016-2022)
- Member, Law Reform Commission (2015-2020)
- Deputy High Court Judge (September 2014, October 2015, August 2016)
- Member, Council of the Duty Lawyer Service (2011-2023)
- Member, Council of the Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators (2010-2013)
- Deputy District Judge (November 2008, January 2010)
- Deputy Magistrate (August 1998)
- Member, Steering Committee on Resource Centre for Unrepresented Litigants
Hong Kong Bar Association
- Vice Chairman (2017-2018)
- Member, Management Committee of Bar Free Legal Services Scheme
- Member, Committee on Arbitration
- Member, Standing Committee on Funds for Barristers
- Lui Ming Lok (雷明樂) v Ng Im Fong Loretta (伍艷芳) [2023] 4 HKLRD 37 (validity of marriage)
- Cheung Yuk Ying Engracia v MacGregor Isabella [2023] 3 HKLRD 164 (civil evidence – assessment of credibility of witnesses)
- HKSAR v Lai Chee Ying (Application for Permanent Stay) [2023] 3 HKLRD 534 (offences in relation to national security – application for permanent stay of proceedings)
- Lai Chee Ying v The Committee for Safeguarding National Security of the HKSAR [2023] 3 HKLRD 275 (judicial review – ad hoc admission of overseas counsel for case involving national security)
- 香港特別行政區 v 鄒幸彤 [2023] 3 HKC 158 (challenge of legality of notice of prohibition of public meeting)
- Secretary for Justice v Timothy Wynn Owen KC (2022) 25 HKCFAR 288, [2022] HKCFA 23 (admission of overseas counsel for case involving national security – Flywin principles)
- Re Owen KC [2022] 5 HKLRD 726, [2022] HKCA 1689 (admission of overseas counsel for case involving national security – public interest)
- Lai Chee Ying v Commissioner of Police [2022] 5 HKLRD 205, [2022] HKCA 1574 (validity of search warrant – if “specified evidence” covered journalistic materials)
- Chan Kung Shun v Commissioner of Police [2022] 5 HKLRD 20, [2022] HKCA 1359 (discretion to admit fresh evidence on appeal)
- HKSAR v Lai Man Ling [2022] 4 HKC 410, [2022] HKDC 355 (national security offence – trial by designated judge)
- Bar Council v Sutherland (No 2) [2022] 1 HKLRD 58, [2021] HKCA 1886 (discretion to admit fresh evidence – allegation of lack of impartiality)
- HKSAR v Chow Heung Wing Stephen [2022] 1 HKLRD 671, [2021] HKCA 1655 (leave to appeal against conviction and sentence, manslaughter by gross negligence)
- J v Commissioner of Police [2021] 5 HKLRD 708, [2021] HKCFI 3586 (variation of production orders)
- HKSAR v Liang Yaoqiang (2021) 24 HKCFAR 193, [2021] HKCFA 26 (discretion to order third retrial)
- Chan Ki Kau v Hong Kong Police Force [2020] 5 HKLRD 653 (human rights – complaint investigation mechanism)
- Secretary for Justice v Hong Dau Construction Co. Ltd. (2019) 22 HKCFAR 119 (construction sites – meaning of “immediate supervision”)
- HKSAR v Sham Wai Kee (2019) 22 HKCFAR 11 (false representation – mistake of law)
- QMY v GSS (2017) 20 HKCFAR 3030 (maintenance of children – jurisdiction)
- HKSAR v Ngo Van Nam [2016] 5 HKLRD 1, [2016] 5 HKC 231 (sentencing – discount for guilty pleas)
- Paul Y General Contractors v HKSAR (2013) 16 HKCFAR 487 (factories and industrial undertaking – liability of proprietors)
- Raymond Chen v HKSAR [2011] 2 HKLRD 189 (right to silence)
- Z v HKSAR (2007) 10 HKCFAR 183 (sentencing – assistance to authorities)
- Lee Fuk Hing v HKSAR (2004) 7 HKCFAR 600 (right to silence, burden of proof)
- China Chance Corp. Ltd. v Rockefeller Group Int’l Inc. [2010] 6 HKC 337 (service out of jurisdiction)
- Loyal Luck Trading Ltd. v Tam Chun Wah [2008] 4 HKLRD 681 (Court of Appeal), [2007] 4 HKLRD 917 (Court of First Instance) (easements)
- Leung Po Chun v Yat Lee Booth – Construction Co. Ltd. CACV399/2007 (Court of Appeal), HCPI1099/2006 (Court of First Instance) (personal injuries – contributory negligence)
- Ho Jan Tim v Fong Tak Ying & Anor. HCPI 519/2004 (tort – traffic accident)
- 范焯仁訴范美雲, CACV 307/2006 (Court of Appeal) HCA387/2003 (Court of First Instance) (gift inter vivos – trial and appeal conducted in Chinese)