何穎姿 大律師

2018 (香港)
衡平法 / 信托
财产 / 土地
遗产 / 继承
秘书:Ms. Suki Wong
[email protected]
Gigi 的执业范围包括民事及刑事案件,曾处理过的案件类型包括但不限于土地、信托、遗产、家事、人身伤害索偿、公司及一般刑事案件。
Gigi 以一级荣誉成绩毕业于香港城巿大学法律学院。
Gigi 操流利英语、粤语和普通话,能以中英文提交陈词及进行审讯。
- 香港城市大学法律学荣誉学士 (一级荣誉) (2016)
- 香港城市大学法学专业证书 (2017)
土地 / 逆权管有
- Ng Chor Hang v Chan Kiu Fung and others [2022] HKDC 245 – appeared for a landlord in recovering vacant possession of various pieces of land in Shek O and resisted the squatters’ adverse possession claim at trial
- Man Wo v Cheung Yau Tsun [2019] HKCFI 1896 – appeared for a squatter (led by Mr. Valentine Yim) claiming adverse possession in respect of various pieces of land within the Frontier Closed Area in Lok Ma Chau
- Chung Wai Man v Super Ease Ltd and another [2020] HKDC 312 – appeared for an occupier of land in the New Territories for claims of adverse possession
- Lee Kwai Ying v Pang Wing Fai and others [2022] HKDC 1246, [2022] HKDC 1043 – appeared for the Defendants and resisted the Plaintiff’s application for interlocutory injunction in a private nuisance claim concerning noise and vibration; and thereafter resisted the unsuccessful Plaintiff’s application for leave to appeal
- Chong Ping Shi v Chau Hok Shun [2020] HKDC 1257 – appeared for a registered owner of a landed property to obtain a mandatory injunction requiring the defendant to carry out the necessary repair work to stop water seepage and an order for damages
- Tsui Lai Wai v The Incorporated Owners of Lok Ku House [2022] HKLdT 32 – appeared for a registered owner of three landed properties at trial concerning her entitlement to water and electricity supply under the DMC and unauthorized building works
- Polysonic Investment Limited v Chan George Lung-cheung and Lam King Lui Lancia [2022] HKDC 210 – assisted Ms. Jolie Chao in representing the Plaintiff to seek interlocutory injunctive relief against the Defendant in a water seepage case
家事 / 婚姻诉讼
- CS v. WCT [2020] HKFC 276, [2021] HKFC 56, [2021] HKFC 89, [2022] HKCA 654 – acted for the Respondent father (led by Mr. Robert Pang S.C. and with Mr. Eric Leung) in relation to custody, care and order and access of the child; and thereafter resisted the unsuccessful mother’s application for leave to appeal the decisions of the trial judge in the District Court and the Court of Appeal
人身伤害 / 雇员补偿
- Hussain Shaheen Akhtar v Yue Yi Holding Services Ltd t/a Yue Yi Steam Laundry Factory [2021] HKDC 1603 – acted for the defendant employer and resisted the plaintiff’s personal injury claim at trial
- Cheng Wai Lun v Kong Hing Wah formerly t/a E and C-T Engineering Co. and Employees Compensation Assistance Fund [2023] HKDC 1158 – assisted Ms. Jolie Chao in representing the Applicant to recover employee’s compensation at trial
- Rendering advice on liability, quantum and evidence in various personal injury and employee’s compensation cases
- CNC Far East Machinery Co Ltd v Intelligent Tech Trading Ltd [2023] HKDC 824 – acted for the Plaintiff to obtain an order for recovery of funds from the Defendant on the basis of unjust enrichment and constructive trust
- HKSAR v Wang Xianshan & Others [2022] HKDC 346 – defence of the 3rd and 4th Defendants (assisting Mr. Selwyn Yu S.C., Mr. Terry Kan and Mr. Ryan Law) against 16 charges of money laundering and a charge of conspiracy to defraud
- HKSAR v Cheung Man-kit & Others [2020] HKCFI 2355 – defence of the 1st Defendant (led by Mr. Albert Luk) against a charge of conspiracy to traffic in dangerous drugs
- Conducting trials for Duty Lawyer as Defence Counsel and for the Department of Justice as fiat prosecutor
- 香港城市大学法律学荣誉学士入学奖学金 (2012 – 2013)
- 香港城市大学法律院长嘉许名单 (2014 – 2015)
- 法改会法律改革征文比赛得奖者 (2016)
- 香港大学附属学院文学副学士(法律学)兼任讲师 (2019至2021)
- 「香港应否就群众集资立法?如属肯定,则应如何立法?」(法律改革委员会, 05-2016)