HKSAR v Lai Chee Ying (Application for Permanent Stay) [2023] 3 HKLRD 534, [2023] HKCFI 1440
Robert Pang SC leading Steven Kwan, Albert NB Wong, Ernie Tung, Colman Li and Velda Yau represented the 1st Defendant in HKSAR and Lai Chee Ying (Application for Permanent Stay) [2023] 3 HKLRD 534, [2023] HKCFI 1440. L, facing charges including offences under the Law …
Secretary for Justice v Wong Chi Fung (黃之鋒) (No 2) [2023] 4 HKC 619, [2023] HKCFI 1023
Albert NB Wong represented the defendant in Secretary for Justice v Wong Chi Fung (黃之鋒) (No 2) [2023] 4 HKC 619, [2023] HKCFI 1023. Committal proceedings were commenced against the defendant for breach of the injunction order granted by the Court of First Instance in …
Lai Chee Ying v The Committee for Safeguarding National Security of the HKSAR [2023] 3 HKLRD 275, [2023] HKCFI 1382
Robert Pang SC, Steven Kwan, Albert NB Wong, Ernie Tung, Colman Li and Velda Yau represented the plaintiff / applicant in Lai Chee Ying v The Committee for Safeguarding National Security of the HKSAR [2023] 3 HKLRD 275, [2023] HKCFI 1382. Following the Secretary for Justice's …
Benver Co Ltd v Appeal Tribunal (Buildings Ordinance) [2023] 2 HKLRD 1201, [2023] HKCFI 842
Philip Dykes SC, Tim Kwok and Nicole Chun represented the applicant in Benver Co Ltd v Appeal Tribunal (Buildings Ordinance) [2023] 2 HKLRD 1201, [2023] HKCFI 842. X was the registered owner of a property in respect of which the Building Authority (the BA) issued two building …
Huang Lidong v Kwong Wing Chung [2023] 2 HKLRD 927, [2023] HKDC 461
Hilda Wong appeared in an appeal against Master's decision for the Defendant in Huang Lidong v Kwong Wing Chung [2023] 2 HKLRD 927, [2023] HKDC 461. P applied for summary judgment against D. P's pleaded case was that pursuant to an oral agreement between them, …
HKSAR v Siu Chi Shing [2024] 2 HKLRD 504, [2023] HKCFI 913
Steven Kwan represented the appellant in HKSAR v Siu Chi Shing [2024] 2 HKLRD 504, [2023] HKCFI 913. D was convicted after trial of "possession of an instrument fit for unlawful purpose and with intent to use for unlawful purpose" and was acquitted of assaulting a police …
HKSAR v Bui Van Cuong [2023] 3 HKC 204, [2023] HKCA 367
Richard Donald and Kim McCoy represented the applicant in HKSAR v Bui Van Cuong [2023] 3 HKC 204, [2023] HKCA 367. The applicant, a Canadian Vietnamese, was a visitor and had no fixed place of abode in Hong Kong. On 8 March 2016, he entered three times into a …
Siti Naisah Tasya Stephanie (a minor, by next friend and mother, Siti Naisah) v Torture Claims Appeal Board & Anor [2023] 3 HKC 192, [2023] HKCA 336
Albert NB Wong represented the applicant in Siti Naisah Tasya Stephanie (a minor, by next friend and mother, Siti Naisah) v Torture Claims Appeal Board & Anor [2023] 3 HKC 192, [2023] HKCA 336. The applicant was born on 6 August 2014 in Hong Kong. …
香港特別行政區 v 甄霈霖 [2023] 4 HKC 338, [2022] HKCFI 3736
Schweitzer Wong, Jonathan Ip and Jay Koon represented the appellant in 香港特別行政區 v 甄霈霖 [2023] 4 HKC 338, [2022] HKCFI 3736. The appellant pleaded not guilty to a charge of ‘participating in a prohibited group gathering’, contrary to s 6(1)(a), (2) of the Prevention and …
HKSAR v Choy Kin Yue (2022) 25 HKCFAR 360, [2022] HKCFA 27
Edwin Choy SC leading Brian Tsui and Jonathan Lin represented the respondent in HKSAR v Choy Kin Yue (2022) 25 HKCFAR 360, [2022] HKCFA 27. D was convicted after trial before a Magistrate of unlawful assembly contrary to s.18 of the Public Order Ordinance (Cap.245). …